That One Phone Call

Imagine this.

You’re sitting in a hotel room, on your bed, and it’s 1:25 in the morning. Even though you have a flight at 6AM, you still want to stay up because you’re boyfriend said he was going to call. Every minute, boredom creeps a bit closer to you; every second, sleepiness tries to force you to fall for its trap. You’re sitting there, staring at your laptop, fighting the urge to sleep.

Three feet away, on top of the television, lies your cellphone. It is now 1:29. Suddenly, your phone vibrates and you know the only person that would call at this hour. Smiling, you get out of bed and walk over to it. Just to make sure, you check the caller ID and as you expected, his name lights up.

Picking up the first time, you hear nothing after a few seconds so you absentmindedly hang up.  He calls again and this time, you linger there for a few more second saying, “Hello,” once after two seconds. He finally responds and you stand there, smiling. Here’s a summary of your conversation:

Him: Merry Christmas!!

You: Merry Christmas to you too.

Him: So, what did you do today?

You: Me?

Him: Yeah. Who else?

You: Nothing. I packed.

Him: (sarcastically) Really. That’s cool. What are you doing now?

You: (sounding tired) About to sleep.

Him: I see, well, I’ll leave you to it then.

You: Wait…

Him: Yeah, what?

You: What’d you do today?

Him: Party.

You: Oh really? Again?

Him: Yeah, you know, I’m like that. Party everyday.

You: Oh, REALLY.

Him: Mhmm. So, you’re coming back tomorrow?

You: Yeah.

Him: Awesome!!

A brief moment of silence is taken place.

Him: Well, I’ll leave you to sleep then.

You: Okay, g’night.

Him: Goodnight! I love you.

You: (smiling) Love you too.

Him: ‘Night.

You: ‘Night.

Call ended.

Placing your phone back on top of the television, you realize that you can’t stop smiling. You walk over to the light switch. Before you turn the lights off, you notice the clock… 1:32. Getting into bed, you open your laptop just to write this post. 😉

You close your laptop and the conversation you just had came racing back into your head. Every word, every feeling will be remembered.

If you want to know my thoughts on this, click here.