That One Picture From Sixth Grade

Guess what I found stored in my camera after two years? It’s been about a year and a half since I took this picture and boy, have we all changed.

The back row includes Edith, Mabel, Gigi, Renee, Franny, and myself. The girl that doesn’t look like she’s ready for the picture is Melody. The front left includes Megan, Abijah, and Natali. In the very front is my now best friend, Maggie. The girl with the peace signs is also my now best friend, Alice.

We’ve all changed so much. For example, I have shoulder length hair now. Megan and Gigi also changed their hairstyle. Alice has contacts now so she doesn’t wear her glasses anymore. Edith dyed her hair auburn… but it was just for fun on Halloween. Mabel definitely got taller. Franny now of course wear more makeup than usual. Melody changed her hair and also got braces.

Everyone has changed. Maybe not so much Abijah and Renee, but everyone definitely changed this pass one and a half year. I usually only hang out with Maggie, Alice, and Gigi now out of this group. Abijah, I hang out with her only during PE.

We all have different classes now. Maggie, my best friend since seventh grade, have been in all my classes 6th to 7th. I’m really grateful for that.

Well, everybody has got to continue to live. Time never waits for anyone.