One of My Worst Days

So many things are happening are at once and I’m just too confused. I know it’s Winter Break and I should not be worrying but people are… ugh… sometimes.

Last night, I got a phone call from one of my ex-best friends. We had an argument about a week ago and I thought he was calling to apologize. I should really stop assuming, because well, we ended yelling at each other over the phone. We were friends since pre-school. Of course, I would be hurt if I lost him. And I did. I lost my best friend.

Today, I worked for my aunt at her diner and given the stress that I was in, let’s just say that I might have lost my job. I got home and my mother was lecturing me about something that I didn’t even understand. I haven’t ate anything since last night. Had about 4-5 hours of sleep last night. And I’m just a mess right now.

To make matters worst, my attitude depends on my mood. I’m so sure that I just told my boyfriend I didn’t care about him. Wow, that was a huge mistake… I guess you can’t take things back when you hit the “Send” button.

Honestly, the only good part about my day so far was that I found out I got a 4.0 for my semester grade. (: There’s a chance for me to attend Lowell! Chloe and Ethan invited me to their New Year’s party. Thank god because I need the stress reliever.

Now, if y’all would excuse me, I’m going to go cry in a corner. ):