Archive | February 2012

Instead of Writing…

I was thinking… I never really have time to write anything. Why? Because it takes too long and I have to proofread after. About two to three hours ago, I ranted to my webcam. I know, weird right? Well, I didn’t have anyone else to talk to. So, I got to thinking. What if I make a video when I need to talk about something on this blog? Hmm, that would save me a bunch of time! Yay!

This entry was posted on February 26, 2012, in Newspaper.

Over or Not?

I know I haven’t blogged a lot so here’s what you missed. It has been an emotional roller coaster from January to now. Valentine’s Day was okay. I got seven [fake] roses from friends and Angelo. That’s when it really started going downhill.

Vince is back in San Francisco but he brought his girlfriend with him. We still haven’t made up. Ahem, a little fight broke out yet again. And to think I was happy for nothing. Okay, now you’re up to speed. Here’s the main problem.

Angelo likes another girl! Oh my god, so surprising right? No. And who’s the girl you might ask? It’s none other than Ms. Andrea, a girl I don’t care much for! Wow. Not much of a shock really. Was I hurt? Extremely. Did I cry? I didn’t think it was worth shedding tears over. What am I going to do? I actually have no clue.

First of all, he doesn’t love me. He never did. Was I stupid to believe everything he said? Oh, you’re darn right, I was! I’ve been through six relationships and they all ended up the same way. My boyfriend would fall for another girl and we will eventually break up. It’s funny how it always happen to me. Let us reminisce about the past.

Vincent M. cheated on me countless of times with other girls, lied about loving me

Hamilton D.L. liked other girls and dated them, never really liked me

Noah A. had a crush on another girl on the second day of our relationship

Rodrigo C. didn’t really like me

Samuel P. used me to make another girl jealous

Jake M. caught kissing another girl in my hotel room, lied about loving me

Notice the trend yet? Yeah, thought so. I’ve been cheated on, trashed, and lied to. And I actually thought Angelo wouldn’t do this to me, but he did… not once but twice.  I am extremely hurt that I can’t even describe how I feel.

Now, he says that he will never be hers so we can still date. Great, I went from a girlfriend to his second choice. I wonder what would have happened if she wanted to be with him. Guess I would have been trashed again. So now, I am going to curl up in my bed, turn on some deperessing music, and try to cry myself to sleep. Tears are really all that can help me now.