
… Helpless Asian Man Attacked And Jumped By 7 Other Guys Behind School

Click here for the full video.

How do I start? Everything was wrong in this video. Seven against one? How low can a person go? Girl luring the guy to the place of attack? What kind of bitch are you?

I know I’ve only recently seen this video, but it’s affected me like it affected everyone else. I am outraged. Okay, first of all, a seven to one fight? What. The. Fuck. Why don’t they go out and pick on someone their own size, huh? Yeah, go pick on someone in the ghetto neighborhood who just got out of jail. Will you be calling them “niggas” then? These seven are weak. They think they might be cool with all this, but no, this is just a sign that they will never amount to anything in life.

As for the girl recording the video, did you really have to do this? Did your parents raise you right? I swear, if I did that, my parents would have given me an ass whooping when they found out. This has wrong written all over it. How did you even lure the guy behind the school, huh? Did you try to seduce him or something? That makes you a slut and if not, you’re just a lying bitch.

The thing that bothers me most is that five of the seven guys is Chinese. The girl is Chinese. The helpless Asian man is Chinese. Did you just go and beat up your own race? Yeah, I think you did. Why aren’t you helping your race and building it? Instead, you’re out there beating this guy up… for what? There’ s no god damn reason that’s why.

I’ve been raised to help my race and my people. That’s what hurt me the most: a person going against their own kind.

The Situation Getting Out of Hand

Sorry I’ve been AWOL yet again. I’ve got a lab report, 100 notes, a brochure, chapter summaries, and current event essay all due on the same day… tomorrow. Being me, I procrastinate and been putting off all my work. On top of academic is social problems. My lawful best friend has been going through relationship problems. Click here for the full story. I don’t even know what to say.

Honestly, I think they should break up. I can’t do anything to fix this. It’s not like I have magical, cupid powers (even though I always joke that I am cupid of the eight grade). The last time I tried to actually help a relationship, Matthew and Kellan broke up. Being the opposite of me, I’m actually going to learn my lesson and not meddle.

Here’s to my opinion. I want both my best friends to be happy… that’s it. Even if it means ending their relationship, at least if they’re happy, I will be too.

My Farewell to 2011

Dear 2011,

We had a good run. Thank you, for one of the best years of my life. We’ve been through so much and there’s so much to say, but I’ll cut to the chase. I was with you when I fell in love, not only once but twice to the same person. I was with you through a breakup. I was with you through laughs and tears. I will always remember you. You will always be one of my bests.

a girl who is very grateful

At the Doctor’s Today

I went to the doctor’s today because I was vomiting a lot lately. They checked my records and asked me to recite my “vomit days”. I’ve been vomiting twice everyday this past week. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I get these migraines out of nowhere.

In the end, the doctor concluded that I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.

I wonder if that’s a life-threatening disease. Well, then again, this syndrome has been a yearly thing so I shouldn’t worry too much.

They say it’s genetic too. I wonder if I got it from my mom or dad. My parents never had it though.

I feel horrible. Well, I’m going to go and throw up once again. Ugh.

That One Picture From Sixth Grade

Guess what I found stored in my camera after two years? It’s been about a year and a half since I took this picture and boy, have we all changed.

The back row includes Edith, Mabel, Gigi, Renee, Franny, and myself. The girl that doesn’t look like she’s ready for the picture is Melody. The front left includes Megan, Abijah, and Natali. In the very front is my now best friend, Maggie. The girl with the peace signs is also my now best friend, Alice.

We’ve all changed so much. For example, I have shoulder length hair now. Megan and Gigi also changed their hairstyle. Alice has contacts now so she doesn’t wear her glasses anymore. Edith dyed her hair auburn… but it was just for fun on Halloween. Mabel definitely got taller. Franny now of course wear more makeup than usual. Melody changed her hair and also got braces.

Everyone has changed. Maybe not so much Abijah and Renee, but everyone definitely changed this pass one and a half year. I usually only hang out with Maggie, Alice, and Gigi now out of this group. Abijah, I hang out with her only during PE.

We all have different classes now. Maggie, my best friend since seventh grade, have been in all my classes 6th to 7th. I’m really grateful for that.

Well, everybody has got to continue to live. Time never waits for anyone.

Haley Has A Chance

I just watched this video exactly 5 minutes ago. Honestly, I teared up. Haley deserves to meet One Direction. Thankfully, Danielle Peazer tweeted this to Liam Payne. I’m strongly hoping that he will watch it. It’s touching really. It makes me wish I had a best friend like the girl is to Haley.