
49ers All the Way!!

So, you know that I’m a San Franciscan. I’ve been raised here ever since I was four. Obviously, it’s all about the Giants and Forty Niners for my family and I.

Today, the San Francisco Forty Niners went against the New Orleans Saints. I was on a road trip the first half of the game, but I was definitely watching the second half. My whole family, at least all the males… and me, were gathered around the television with popcorn, nachos, and soft drinks.

When it was 32-29 Saints, I’ll be honest, I actually thought we were going to lose. Everyone in the room was glued to the TV and no one said a word. And then, Vernon Davis pulled through! Caught the ball and managed to hang on to it even with the Saints surrounding him. TOUCHDOWN! The game was now 32-36 Forty Niners. I had the quickest reaction of course. Literally, I jumped off the sofa and yelled, “Saints’ got nothing on us!” My whole family was staring at me like OMG, but then my Uncle Jason followed my actions and screamed, “Hell yeah! Touchdown! We’ve got a true Niners fan in the family,” and pointed at me.

It was so fun!! Even though we’re in LA, the people here are actually rooting for the Niners. There were cars honking, people screaming, and everyone was celebrating.

I now expect us to win the Super Bowl, but there are definitely no doubts about that. Cheers to the Forty Niners!

What I Didn’t Know About a Friend

I am currently at my friend’s (Ethan) New Year’s Eve party! Haha. The guy knows how to throw a great party!

He invited two guys. I know both of them. Their names are Chase and Connor.  I met them at the Breaking Dawn premiere.

I’ve known them for over a month now and I did not know that Connor can dance! Holy shit, this guy is beast on the dance floor! He knows all the modern dances and ballroom!

I took tango as a little kid so I danced with him. Haha. We rocked it. The whole room was watching and guess what? We got a massive applause. (:

By the way, happy New Year’s east coast! … and the other side of the world!

Ending and Remembering 2011 (3/3)

Read previous “Ending and Remembering 2011 here.

21. May 11: Pretty Eyes
Karen and I were in History one day. We sat at the same table with Olivia, a girl in our class. Maggie sat across the room, but she asked if she could sit at the extra seat at our table. Mr. Holmes, our student teacher, permitted her to.

We were sitting and doing our work. After we were done, we started talking about the most random things. Mr. Holmes came over to our table and started talking to us about an extra credit assignment. WHen he was done talking, I thought it would be funny if I pretended to flirt with him and so, I told him, “You have pretty eyes, you know.” He just stared at me in shocked and laughed it off. Maggie, Karen, and Olivia were laughing too. Maggie then joked that it sparkles in the light. He just walked away from us.

Mr. Holmes walked in front of the class to announce the extra credit assignment. I told everyone at our table to look at him and smiled. So, we did. He glanced at our way and started laughing at our “cute, innocent, smiley faces”.

Olivia then suggested that I should ask him if he had a girlfriend. I was afraid of pushing the joke too far at first, but when Mr. Holmes came around again and as he started to walk away, I asked him, “Hey, do you have a girlfriend?” He once again looked at me in shock and replied, “I am not single,” and walked away. Maggie, Karen, Olivia, and I burst out laughing. His face was priceless!

Maggie then suggested that we should call him “Mr. Pretty Eyes” from now on. Of course, Karen and Olivia refused, but I was in. We stared at him the entire class period. He was getting annoyed and told us to stop. We did for a few minutes and continued our “stalking stare”. He, of course, tried his best to ignore our glances. After class, we left the room saying, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Pretty Eyes!” He just laughed. It was really the best day in History class.

22. May 26: Dissecting Vibrating Fish
In science, it was two days before school ended. I believe Mr. Stewart, our teacher, showed us Star Trek. I don’t really remember, but I know it was some sort of sci-fi movie. Aaron has given Ivey this vibrating fish (these two sort of had a thing for each other). Being me, I broke the string a week before. The fish doesn’t vibrate anymore but Ivey still kept it. Gee, I wonder why.

She pulled it out during the movie and I started playing around with it. One thing led to another and I started ripping the middle of it apart. Ivey was horrified. I tore the fish in half and pulled out the mechanic that was making the fish vibrate. I broke that part too just to see how it was vibrating. Well, I couldn’t put it back together.

I still keep the vibrating part today.

23. May 26: Mr. Pretties Fan Club
Remember Mr. Pretty Eyes? What about Elliott’s hair? Well, Maggie and I decided that we would start a Mr. Pretties Fan Club. Mr. Holmes was Mr. Pretty Eyes. Elliott was Mr. Pretty Hair.

On the day of the eight grade graduation, I had to go to the office for a bandage. Karen and I ran into Mr. Stewart on the way. He was wearing a suit and we all started talking. Mr. Stewart then joked, “Who was Mr. Pretty Eyes?” Obviously, he had read either Maggie’s or my status on Mr. Pretty Eyes. I didn’t know how to respond without making it seem weird so he teased us, “Is it me?” Karen and I were laughing so hard! “Nah, it’s Mr. Holmes,” I said. “I see,” Mr. Stewart replied and left.

Karen and I walked back to class. She said that Mr. Stewart looked really good in a suit. That was when I told Maggie about Mr. Pretty-In-A-Tux/Suit. Of course, she agreed.

There was another joke too. Maggie and I started talking about Pretty Faces. I said that no one deserves to be Mr. Pretty Face because they all looked ugly. We laughed of course.

Until this day, the Mr. Pretties Fan Club is still alive!

24. June 4: Aaron Stood Us Up
It was summer. Our friend, Aaron, was transferring to a new school. I had planned for a group of us to go bowling. Apparently, only one guy showed up… and it wasn’t even the “guest of honor”! We went ice-skating instead. That was a whole day down the drain. We were all very mad at Aaron. He stood us up! So, now, we all sort of don’t like him anymore.

25. June 11: Paris Trip
Enough said, I went to Paris for a few days. Only one word: amazing! Even though it was only for a few days, I loved it! The Eiffel Tower is like… wow. Words could not describe how much I loved Paris. To be honest, I’d like to live there one day. Oh, and the guys… ♥ They were H-O-T. HOT. Not as hot as British guys, but they come in a close second! Yee!

26. July 28: Summer Birthdays
It was Kelly’s, Kellan’s, and Anthony’s birthday. They went with Derick, Matthew, and Matthew’s brother to Japantown. I met up with them later at the swimming pool. We had a whole lot of fun there. I still feel guilty that I didn’t get Anthony a gift, but I got both Kellan and Kelly a $15 iTunes gift card. They better use that money well!

27. July 31: Staying Up For Pottermore
I am a major Potterhead (Harry Potter fan). I have all the books, the movies, the PDF version of the books, the movie copies on my laptop, the collectibles, everything! It was sad that Harry Potter was ending, but JK Rowling decided to have this online world of Harry Potter. I, being a Potterhead, of course had to stay up for the clue so I can be one of the first one to enjoy Pottermore. I stayed up until like four in the morning just for it.

28. August 18: Stalking Angelo
We had just gotten back from summer vacation. Maggie and I noticed that Angelo and Sammi were hanging out a lot more than usual. We thought that they were dating! I then remembered that Angelo had given me his Facebook password when we dating. I thought I’d give it a shot.

Of course, I found their conversation. Copied and pasted everything onto a Word Document. I still have that copy!

I really felt guilty afterwards. Plus, he changed his password two hours after I got in. I couldn’t really get in anymore. I told him that I “hacked” his Facebook account the next day. Of course he got mad at me! He went on and on about his personal life and I had no rights to do that. Blah, blah, blah. I didn’t really get the details.

29. August 23: Cheater
We had an Algebra Diagnostic Test in Geometry one day. I did well on it of course. Algebra was easy for me. The kid next to me, Macklin, he whispered, “What’s number ___?” I couldn’t whisper it back since the teacher was looking. So I wrote a note to him. “Do it yourself!” He put his hands together and begged, “Please, please.” I laughed and mouthed, “B.” He mouthed back, “Thank you,” bubbled the letter in and gave the test to the teacher.

After class, I called him a cheater and he said, “Shh. I didn’t cheat!” I joked him again, “Cheater!” I still call him a cheater. It’s a little joke between us really.

If I get to sign his yearbook at the end of eight grade, I’m gonna write:

the girl who gave you the answer
P.S. The answer is B.”

He better remember me forever.

30. September 28: More Fights
Kellan and Sammi were fighting a lot. It was something about Sammi wanting to take Matthew back (Matthew and Kellan got together over the summer). Kellan was jealous, Sammi was mad, etc, etc. The only reason why I was dragged in was because Angelo was bound to get hurt. I know Sammi; she would use guys to get over other guys and throw them away like trash. I didn’t want Angelo to get hurt. He was my little brother at the time. I loved him like that.

I didn’t want to be in the middle of the fight between Kellan and Sammi. I just wanted Sammi to stop using Angelo. She didn’t listen, he fell for her, she threw him away, he was hurt, and I predicted the future exactly how it was going to play out. From then (September 11) on, Angelo hated Sammi… just until December, which you’ll find out later.

Ending and Remembering 2011 (2/3)

Read previous “Ending and Remember 2011” here.

11. March 3: Tip-toe Hugs
It’s obvious. My boyfriend is taller than me. He was 5’7″ (I think) at the time and I was about 5’3″. I usually have to tip-toe every time I hug him… and I still have to! My hugs are daily so I would call them my “tip-toe hugs”.

12. March 6: Inside Joke w/ Angelo
Angelo and I were talking one day online. He got his new XBOX game controller. I remember the talk as if it was yesterday.

“It’s gray and shiny!” he messaged. “That’s not really impressive, is it?” I teased. “Oh, psh, it’s sexy! xD” he said. “Oh, so gray is the new sexy?” I joked once again. “Hell yeah! Gray’s the new sexy! (x” he fooled with me. Writing this, brings back these memories. Memories I will always cherish.

13. March 9: Caking Angelo
On Maggie’s birthday, I didn’t get to cake Angelo. I know that you should only cake the birthday person, but hey, I like to have some fun. Anyways, I swore that I would cake Angelo on my birthday. Guess what? I did! That was really the best part of my day.

14.March 9: My Birthday
It was my birthday. I just turned thirteen and ready to be a teen. If I could, I would thank all the people that wished me a happy birthday on Facebook. To all those people who remembered my birthday, you are a real friend.

Maggie got me a Twilight game board, in which I still play with. Angelo promised me a trip to Starbucks, but I didn’t get to go.

My best friend, Melanie, also died this day. Quite a birthday gift, huh? Thanks God. I’ll still remember her. On every birthday, I will remember the girl that wished me a happy birthday over the phone before she went into cardiac arrest.

15. March 14: At KFC
It was parent-teacher conference week. I didn’t really tell my mom that school lets us out early by an hour. Kellan, Kelly and I were suppose to go home right after school, but their aunt didn’t know to pick up us.

Instead, we walked to the nearby 7-11 and KFC. We ran into Alice and Taryn on the way. So, we spent the after noon at KFC just having fun.

We talked about guys, food, and a bunch of random stuff. It was one of those days I didn’t want to end. We had such a good time.

16. March 15: Joke w/ Maggie
I came to school late one day because there was an accident on my street. There was no one around to help this guy who has been ran over by a car. I stayed with him and called the police. It was a really scary moment for me. For a second, I actually thought that he was going to die in front of me. I stayed; I didn’t want him to die alone. The paramedics came and took him away in a stretcher, but before they did, I gave them my cell phone number. I wanted to know if the guy survived or not. After that, I went to school.

I told Maggie about what happened and at first, she took it seriously. When she saw that I needed some cheering up, she started joking that he would have died. She was just teasing me. I laughed, of course, and told her that she was wrong. He was not going to die. We laughed the whole day.

It turned out that he survived! The hospital called me after school and told me that since I kept the pressure on the wounded spot, I slowed down the bleeding just in time for the paramedics to arrive. Thus, he survived!

17. April 21: School Librarian
Our class was in the school library that day. I threw an eraser across the room to Matthew and well, the librarian caught me. She asked me to come to her. It was actually funny, because my classmates were like: “Oh my god. I can’t believe the good girl got in trouble!” Everyone watched me as I walked to the librarian.

Well, the librarian was still talking to the student, Mr. Holmes. After she was done talking, practically almost everyone was on the edge of their chairs waiting for the yelling. She turned to me and said, “Young lady, young man… whatever you are!” Everyone burst out laughing and so did I. For that split second, I wanted to reply, “I’m sorry, but I’m not Justin Bieber.” There were Beliebers in the room so I thought not. It was too controversial. It was a hilarious moment.

18. April 28: My “Dogs”
My best friend and former class buddy, Karen, were getting annoyed of my “dogs”. My “dogs” were the guys following me around. It was Aaron, Nick, Damon, and sometime Jackson. She didn’t like that everywhere we went, the guys followed. She couldn’t talk to me about anything. I felt annoyed myself at times, but I was really full of myself. Big mistake, huh? Well, I finally got them to stop tailing me and I kept my best friend.

19. April 29: Elliott’s Hair
There was this guy in my class. His name is Elliott. I’ve been obsessed with his hair since about this time. It’s soft and shiny! I would always pet his hair whenever I could. Sometime, I would pluck out a strand and pet it. Everyone thought I was creepy.

Maggie was also into Elliott’s hair. Again, we share the same obsession. Elliott fears to get near me now. He used to hug me, but now, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if he filed a restraining order against me.

20. May 11: Vy-Syndrome
Vy-Syndrome is a disease developed by Dylan. He started an “Ignore Vy Day” and it turned into an “Ignore Vy Week”. I hated it. I just hated it. He got all the guys to ignore me. Never would he say, “Hi,” to me like usual.

The guys were like this too. Angelo (we were broken up by this time) ignored me. He would wave to everyone, but me. Matthew was also avoiding me, just like Dylan and Angelo. Anthony began too just because it would annoy me.

Dylan still jokes that he’ll have another “Ignore Vy Day”. If he does, and everyone starts ignoring me, I’ll hate him for the rest of his life.

Continue reading “Ending and Remember 2011” here.

Ending and Remembering 2011 (1/3)

You know how Facebook has that new timeline thing? Yeah, it makes stalking way more easier! I recently stalked myself to see how dumb or abnormal I was in 2011. I also went back for the memories. So far, I had a very fun-filled year!  I want to share 30 highlights of my year through my Facebook updates.

1. January 26: Damon & the Hiccups
I loved this part of my day. Okay, so I’m known as the evil girl, kind of like the evil queen of Snow White.

My friend, Damon, was hiccuping in science a lot. Aaron sits across from us and said that I should give Damon the “evil glare” and scare him to stop the hiccups. I did it just for the fun and didn’t really think it would work, but he stopped hiccuping! That was hilarious. Aaron and Damon were like: “Omg. It actually worked!” It was hilarious!

2. January 27: The Atencio Act
We have this kid in our grade. He’s a computer geek and a class clown.

One day, at lunch, he was just doing his thing and entertaining a whole bunch of us. He decided to keep record of the people who slapped him. I, of course, did the honor first. A whole bunch of people signed up and well, he got slapped a whole bunch of time that day.

3. February 14: The Gattaca Joke
In science class, we were watching a movie called Gattaca and a guy yelled the “F” word. Everyone was so shocked and laughing. My teacher said that we should calm down since he was sure that we’ve all heard the word more than once.

I whispered to my partner that I’ve used that word more than once too. Apparently, I’m not the best at whispering so nearly the whole class heard it. Everyone was laughing at my “joke”.

4. February 17: Messed Up Family
I can’t really remember what happened this day, but I guess I was being mother-like to Maggie and she started calling me “Mom”. Then, she acted like a mother to Angelo.

This went on for a few days. I’m Maggie’s mom and Maggie’s Angelo’s mom. Everyone asked me the same thing when I told them this story. “Why are you dating your grandson?” This was a really good laugh.

5. February 18: Horse and Pony
It was a rainy day at lunch so the school put on America’s Funniest Video for us to watch.

Maggie’s birthday was about a week away and I was planning something for her. I joked about getting her a pony and she kept refusing.

Then, a video clip of a very disturbed horse came on and she leaned over to me and said, “That’s why I don’t want a pony.” I smiled, “That’s not a pony. THAT, is a horse.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. I started to laugh and moments after, she started to join in.

6. February 22: Housewife & Husky
Esther, Karen, and I were talking about dogs during PE and I happen to bring up Jackson. Esther told us that “Jackson” was a husky name.

Apparently, one of our friends, Ivey, heard it wrong and thought Esther said that Jackson was a housewife. We were all confused for a moment and Esther replied, “No… wait.” There was brief silence and she shouted out, “Who’s the husband?!”

It took us a while to finally realize that it was just a joke and it was literal. The fact that we didn’t know it was a joke made it even funnier.

7. February 23: Love Aaron Forever
I have this guy friend and he’s the type to get hurt easily. One time, I had him do me a favor. Well, not had him, more like I forced him to. I told him I would love him forever if he did it.

Out of the goodness of his heart, he did me that favor. I keep all my promises so I went on and “loved him forever”. I hugged him with every chance I got, I shouted “I love you” whenever I could, and I even messaged him this. It’s pretty funny how he got scared of me.

8. February 25: The Fight
I don’t know if you can see the image or not but here’s the story. Angelo and Anthony were fighting a lot. I personally think that Anthony was jealous I picked Angelo over him, but I might be wrong. Before Angelo and I started dating, Anthony was fine with Angelo. They actually talked.

After Angelo asked me out, they both stopped talking to each other. Then,there were insults flying around and they both told their friends to stay away from the other. See, we share the same friends. So the guys group sort of split when the fight broke out. The girls group began falling apart when we tried to fix everything.

Everything’s okay now though. For those months of constant fighting, Anthony and Angelo looked for every opportunity to hurt each other. It was a sad time for all of us.

9. February 28: Maggie’s Early B-day
I’m just including this because I love my best friend very much.

We have a lot in common. We’re both into Harry Potter, Twilight, Glee, Criminal Mind, One Direction, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, Backstreet Boys, etc.

We also have our differences. Maggie’s a Whovian, which I am not. I’m rather fond of TVD and Once Upon A Time. Despite this difference, we’re still best friends. She’s like a sister I’ve always wanted.

10. March 1: Dylan’s Famous Line
We celebrated Maggie’s birthday with cupcakes. There was about 2 dozen cupcakes to hand out to our friends. It was nearly impossible to keep track of all of them. Maggie wanted to give her close friend, Dylan, a cupcake. So we left him to enjoy it.

After the cupcakes, we went outside and opened presents. Maggie unwrapped my custom-made Twilight calendar. Dylan came running outside and yelled, “Maggie’s so mean. She didn’t give me a cupcake.” Maggie scolded him, “I did too!” And I said to him, “You better enjoyed it too!” He swung his backpack onto the bench and yelled at us (since we were yards away), “I did not eat a cupcake! … I ate a muffin with icing on top!”

We laughed at this. Dylan, he always knew when to crack a joke. This line is still remembered by Maggie and me today.

Continue reading “Ending and Remembering 2011” here.

Despite Everything Today

I had my worst day ever today. Went to the doctors and found out I have this vomiting syndrome. My best friend, Leon, has pneumonia and is probably in the E.R. right now. I also lost my other best friend, Vince, today because I chose my boyfriend over him. My mom was lecturing menthe whole day. I threw up no less than seven times. No food has been digested since Tuesday night. No sleep at all whatsoever.

Today, was definitely not my day.

But I want to give a special thanks to Angelo, my boyfriend, for caring. “Yes it does and it is. My job is to help you feel better. (;” Thanks babe… for making me smile for the first time in the past 32 hours. I love you!

That One Picture From Sixth Grade

Guess what I found stored in my camera after two years? It’s been about a year and a half since I took this picture and boy, have we all changed.

The back row includes Edith, Mabel, Gigi, Renee, Franny, and myself. The girl that doesn’t look like she’s ready for the picture is Melody. The front left includes Megan, Abijah, and Natali. In the very front is my now best friend, Maggie. The girl with the peace signs is also my now best friend, Alice.

We’ve all changed so much. For example, I have shoulder length hair now. Megan and Gigi also changed their hairstyle. Alice has contacts now so she doesn’t wear her glasses anymore. Edith dyed her hair auburn… but it was just for fun on Halloween. Mabel definitely got taller. Franny now of course wear more makeup than usual. Melody changed her hair and also got braces.

Everyone has changed. Maybe not so much Abijah and Renee, but everyone definitely changed this pass one and a half year. I usually only hang out with Maggie, Alice, and Gigi now out of this group. Abijah, I hang out with her only during PE.

We all have different classes now. Maggie, my best friend since seventh grade, have been in all my classes 6th to 7th. I’m really grateful for that.

Well, everybody has got to continue to live. Time never waits for anyone.

That One Phone Call

Imagine this.

You’re sitting in a hotel room, on your bed, and it’s 1:25 in the morning. Even though you have a flight at 6AM, you still want to stay up because you’re boyfriend said he was going to call. Every minute, boredom creeps a bit closer to you; every second, sleepiness tries to force you to fall for its trap. You’re sitting there, staring at your laptop, fighting the urge to sleep.

Three feet away, on top of the television, lies your cellphone. It is now 1:29. Suddenly, your phone vibrates and you know the only person that would call at this hour. Smiling, you get out of bed and walk over to it. Just to make sure, you check the caller ID and as you expected, his name lights up.

Picking up the first time, you hear nothing after a few seconds so you absentmindedly hang up.  He calls again and this time, you linger there for a few more second saying, “Hello,” once after two seconds. He finally responds and you stand there, smiling. Here’s a summary of your conversation:

Him: Merry Christmas!!

You: Merry Christmas to you too.

Him: So, what did you do today?

You: Me?

Him: Yeah. Who else?

You: Nothing. I packed.

Him: (sarcastically) Really. That’s cool. What are you doing now?

You: (sounding tired) About to sleep.

Him: I see, well, I’ll leave you to it then.

You: Wait…

Him: Yeah, what?

You: What’d you do today?

Him: Party.

You: Oh really? Again?

Him: Yeah, you know, I’m like that. Party everyday.

You: Oh, REALLY.

Him: Mhmm. So, you’re coming back tomorrow?

You: Yeah.

Him: Awesome!!

A brief moment of silence is taken place.

Him: Well, I’ll leave you to sleep then.

You: Okay, g’night.

Him: Goodnight! I love you.

You: (smiling) Love you too.

Him: ‘Night.

You: ‘Night.

Call ended.

Placing your phone back on top of the television, you realize that you can’t stop smiling. You walk over to the light switch. Before you turn the lights off, you notice the clock… 1:32. Getting into bed, you open your laptop just to write this post. 😉

You close your laptop and the conversation you just had came racing back into your head. Every word, every feeling will be remembered.

If you want to know my thoughts on this, click here.