
… Helpless Asian Man Attacked And Jumped By 7 Other Guys Behind School

Click here for the full video.

How do I start? Everything was wrong in this video. Seven against one? How low can a person go? Girl luring the guy to the place of attack? What kind of bitch are you?

I know I’ve only recently seen this video, but it’s affected me like it affected everyone else. I am outraged. Okay, first of all, a seven to one fight? What. The. Fuck. Why don’t they go out and pick on someone their own size, huh? Yeah, go pick on someone in the ghetto neighborhood who just got out of jail. Will you be calling them “niggas” then? These seven are weak. They think they might be cool with all this, but no, this is just a sign that they will never amount to anything in life.

As for the girl recording the video, did you really have to do this? Did your parents raise you right? I swear, if I did that, my parents would have given me an ass whooping when they found out. This has wrong written all over it. How did you even lure the guy behind the school, huh? Did you try to seduce him or something? That makes you a slut and if not, you’re just a lying bitch.

The thing that bothers me most is that five of the seven guys is Chinese. The girl is Chinese. The helpless Asian man is Chinese. Did you just go and beat up your own race? Yeah, I think you did. Why aren’t you helping your race and building it? Instead, you’re out there beating this guy up… for what? There’ s no god damn reason that’s why.

I’ve been raised to help my race and my people. That’s what hurt me the most: a person going against their own kind.

… Tell Me What I’m Suppose To Do

Here’s what my boyfriend tweeted: “I miss that feeling you have when your single… hmmm what to do what to do.”

Please note that the following is rated PG-13. Children under 13 should not be reading the below text since it includes of bad language.

HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO START OUT?! You CANNOT fucking say that you love me and “miss that feeling you have when you’re single”. That’s just FUCKING wrong! Did you WANT me to fucking see that because I sure as hell know that you intentionally tweeted that so I can see it! OMFG. I’m not the kind to get this fucking piss, but this is just going GOD DAMN TOO FAR. You don’t think that I want to be single again? YEAH, I WOULDN’T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU BROKE UP WITH ME RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. But then again, I would give a fuck because I love you! And I still love you even when I’m FUCKING RANTING MY HEAD OFF. Why do you think I’m still sticking around?! I’m sorry, but you’re not worth any of my fucking time. Why? Because you’re a mother-fucking inconsiderate asshole that only cares about himself.  I will never be irreplaceable because I am worth it. Even without you, I am worth something to someone else who will treat me so fucking better than you ever did. In every one of my fucking relationship, I’d be the one to end it. Why aren’t I doing the same with you? Because my love is real and true. I shouldn’t be wasting my time on a dumb-ass like you and yet, I’m still around.

Okay, I’m sorry for all of that. I’m just very stressed out and need some place to rant. You see, my best friends are busy with their lives so I’ve got no one to rant to. Thanks for bearing with me. Here are two songs that I think would describe how I feel.

1. Jessica Mauboy – What Happened To Us

2. Beyonce – Irreplaceable

… January 7, 2012 (Meeting a New Friend)

Suggested to read my Saturday, January 7, 2012 first here.

I feel really guilty now. Theresa even scolded me. Apparently, I can’t think anyone is attractive when I’m with someone else. It’s not like I can help it! If a guy is hot, he’s hot. There’s no denying it. Plus, it’s not like I want to date him. I’d like to be his friend. Everyone (Theresa, Ujeanya, Victoria) is giving me grief about this. I’m sorry, but I can’t help my girl instincts.

… January 6, 2012 (Conflicts of My Relationship)

Suggested to read my Friday, January 6, 2012 first here.

I don’t know what to say about this. I’m not upset that he went to see his ex-girlfriend, but I’m more upset that he rushed to see her. I just want to know if he thinks she’s more important than me. She’s obviously something if he won’t even stop for a second to give me a hug goodbye.

For now, I’m trying to ignore the situation. It might not be a big deal and I’m over-reacting due to trust issues. I do love and trust him, but he had a big thing for this girl even after they broke up. I just don’t know what to do.

Guess I’m just going to wing it… like every other time I have relationship problems.

… My Christmas of 2011

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

I wished that would have been my description of Christmas. Honestly, my Christmas this year wasn’t as merry. There wasn’t quite the spirit.

This year, given that I have a boyfriend, I really wanted to be… “under the mistletoe” with him. But no, I was stuck in Toronto.

I got everything I wanted though. You would think I would be happy. No. Yeah, I may have gotten the food, new pencils, an autograph of Paul Wesley, the most amazing boyfriend, and all that. It wasn’t the Christmas I expected.

I’m not being ungrateful for what I got. I’m just saying that I didn’t feel the Christmas mood this year. The only love I felt was when my boyfriend called me at 10:30 PM (1:30 in Toronto) to wish me a Merry Christmas and said he loved me.

… That One Phone Call

Here is the original article. Suggested to read first. Click here.

As you might have noticed, this was my conversation with my boyfriend. It’s Winter Break and we haven’t seen or talked to each other in nine days.

I don’t know if it’s the nine days that I haven’t talked to him or something, but my god, his voice is so deep! ♥ As we had our very short conversation, I was fighting two urges: sleepiness and to scream out that I loved his voice.

I can’t get over it. When he said “I love you,” my heart melted. Ahh! (: Oh my god, it’s satisfying enough that he told me he loved me, but to say it in such a sexy voice, I can’t explain how I feel right now.

You know how fan-girling work right? It’s like how teen girl Beliebers act when they see Justin Bieber.

I can’t stop smiling. (: Honestly, I hated Christmas this morning. It seemed so plain and there wasn’t as much the spirit. One phone call, just one, made my day and my Christmas so special.

If I could say anything to him right now, it’d be… I love and miss you.